
Musikgarten Family Music Classes

New Winter Schedule!

Family Music: On a Trip - daytime session Music and movement classes for young children are a great way to teach them about the world around them. Classes are active and engaging. Each lesson features movement activities for coordination, body awareness and control, exploration of space, and instruments such as rhythm sticks, jingles, rattles, drums, and resonator bars. Parent/child interactive class.  

Ages 0-3

Thursday 10:00-10:40

Cost: $30 monthly + $30 materials fee (Includes recording and parent book)

Family Music: On a Trip - evening session  - An evening class for families who are busy during the day. Families interact together to explore music and nursery rhymes. Activities are adapted for babies and extended for preschool-age children. Everyone participates in the free instrument section, where we explore many different instruments. A great bonding session with your child(ren). 

Ages 0-4               

Thursdays 6:00-6:40 

Cost: $30 monthly + $30 materials fee: Includes recording and parent book.

Cycle of Seasons - Preschoolers explore through the seasons with lots of imagination. Cycles helps children learn the musical patterns that they will build on throughout the years. They learn solfege and rhythms and a wealth of songs. Singing helps develop language skills and even reading skills. Preschool parents may join in the class or wait in the waiting room, depending on what is best for your child. 

Ages 3-5                

Thursdays 1:45 - 2:30 pm

Cost: $35 monthly + $30 materials fee

Music Makers at Home (pre-piano 1) - This class begins to develop the elements needed for a child to succeed in future music study like piano lessons and more. This program includes singing, creative as well as structured movement, playing instruments and ensemble work, ear training and guided listening. This developmentally sound approach to music literacy builds symbolic thinking, concentration, memory, and self expression. The children start to visually and aurally identify music patterns.  These activities establish a solid music-making foundation. This year focuses on your child’s fascination with nature and develops a love of instruments. 

Ages 4-6        

Thursdays at 4:00 - 4:50. Parents join for last 10 min of class.

Cost: $40 monthly + $30 materials fee

Music Makers around the World (pre-piano 2) 

Prerequisite Music Makers at home or must be 6. This class begins to introduce the student to the piano. Students are taught to read musical patterns, play in ensemble, musical form through dancing, playing instruments and ear training. It's amazing what these students can do when they finish this class - they are truly music literate, can notate what they hear and sing what they see!! This year focuses on music from around the world, including the British Isles, Germany, Amerindians and African American music. 

Ages 5-7

Thursdays at 5:00-5:50. Parents join for last 10 min of class.

Cost: $45 monthly + $35 materials fee